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Santa Claus whisper words of wisdom let it be Christmas shirt

Santa Claus whisper words of wisdom let it be Christmas Sweater in Scotland in education even on basically getting them to the school with the help that’s basically the more I hear what’s happening in England the angrier I get. Caroline Beveridge Why does England keep voting tory who stop basic support in the name of austerity but spends billions on a rail track that never left London oe6fixing Buckingham palace. Westminster instead and dont get me on the 2% GDP on defense that’s sucked up on trident that on defending the UK could be spent on equipment and support/homes for the army bit then I would be classed as a leftie bloody nut. Lorenzo Graziano Ben, what is so hard to grasp they were making fun of their drill instruction for being a dictator during basic training? Do you honestly believe they were hailing Hitler and hoping to resituate the Third Reich? Relax.📷

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