I hope this is Autism it’s not a disability it’s a different ability skeleton shirt. Rhea Dursley It’s okay, though, because David Cameron told me that if I work harder I can earn more. I’ll be sure to let my employer know that they need to pay me more now I’ve decided to work over my lunch breaks and stay three hours after my finish time every day. To be fair, in many companies you can get a higher salary for the same job if you have a degree. And obviously there are more opportunities open to you if you have one. Sarah Boland Rhea Dursley maybe that was the case when only 10% of the population had a degree, but now Everyman and his dog has one, they are rendered pretty useless bits of paper, and have only put the young into debt. Now many have to stay in education to get a Masters’s degree or even a Doctorate to put them above the masses, obviously incurring more debt!