Baby Yoda character Star Wars photo shirt. If everyone withdrew their money and refused to use the bank then they would either go busy or have to change their ways. But nope. We just sit on our hands and take it. Pathetic. Iona Matheson-long That’ll make people work with their money better! Too easy to spend, spend, spend and go into your overdraft. It’s stopping people from realizing they aren’t managing their money and income well enough. Harsh decider to earn more money and make lifestyle changes to financially live within your means. Sarah Boland Iona Matheson-long and those who are scraping by on zero-hours contracts or minimum wages? Not everyone is spendthrifts or deliberately live outside their means. All it takes is a small crisis, such as s boiler breaking, a car breakdown, or some unexpected but vital dental work, and people can be pushed financially. Have some imagination and some heart. 📷
Buy this shirt: Baby Yoda cute Star Wars shirt